Selasa, 31 Mei 2011

Review of Swan Song

 (Warning: The article is based on my scattered thoughts on "Swan Song")

CW/Supernatural Screencap by Supernatural Wiki

"Swan Song" ~ directed by: Steve Boyum ~written by: Eric Gewirtz
Starring: Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles, Jim Beaver, Misha Collins, Mark Pellegrino,  and  Jake Abel...

Summary: Team Free takes drastic measures to stop the apocalypse. Sam allows Lucifer in, Castiel and Bobby die, and Dean lives.

I held on to this review for a long time because I didn't know how to express myself about the season five finale of Supernatural. Here it is:

What I liked:

The cinematography was beautiful. The Stull Cemetery scenes were so bright, unusual for Supernatural. The directing was just good story telling. I'm going to give the director, cinematographer, and the editor a nod for creating a beautiful episode.

I like Mark Pellegrino, a lot. Dear writers, you have Mark Pellegrino, keep him. Lucifer exiting Nick's body so soon, probably wasn't the best thing.

I enjoyed watching Wee Dean and Wee Sam. The kids were cute in the montage flashback.

The montage sequence was well directed, poignant, and well suited for a season finale.

"Rock of Ages" blaring from the Impala.

Things I questioned:

I was shocked when I heard that Eric Kripke didn't write the episode. It was nice of him to give another author a chance to flex his writing muscles, but I'm still in shock that I didn't see written or directed by Eric Kripke in the credits.

I liked the Prophet Chuck (Rob Benedict) just fine, when he was just a prophet. I'm not keen on thinking that Chuck was God. I'll accept that God inhabited Chuck temporarily, sure, that seems plausible. Right?

Jake Abel as Michael. I liked Jake Abel as Adam in "The Point of No Return". His turn as Michael seemed uncomfortable and forced. I understand that Adam was a backup plan, but the writing also seemed like a backup plan as well. I do like Jake Abel, I like his deep voice and pretty eyes. He seems like a very focused actor and I think he has a bright future ahead of him.

I'm still not sure what Dean was supposed to do. I guess his sheer presence was supposed to snap Sam back to consciousness?

CW/Supernatural Screencap by Supernatural Wiki

The most disturbing scenes:

Castiel's (Misha Collins) death caught me by surprise. I didn't think I'd see pieces of him scattered on the grass.

Bobby's death scene was also troubling. I think it's Jim Beaver's acting. It just felt real. It looked real, especially in his eyes.

Dean's (Jensen Ackles) decision to get beaten to death.

Best moments:

Jared Padalecki's (Sam Winchester) acting when Sam realized that Lucifer might win. It's sad and gut wrenching. Sam felt helpless and I felt that misery right along with him.

Jensen Ackles' (Dean Winchester) acting when Dean refused to leave Sam. "I'm right here, Sammy, I'm not going anywhere. I'm right here." It's heartbreaking, and beautiful at the same time. It's also the best acting that occurred in the episode.

The good news is that the ending of the episode isn't as bleak as I made it sound.

I apologize for the format of this review. At this particular time, May 31st, 2011 at 2:30 A.M., I still don't know how I feel about "Swan Song", not completely.

Louisa Hinmon

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This article is a reflection of the opinions of the author. The author and Hollywood Celebrity Connection are in no way affiliated with the CW, Supernatural, or it's creator Eric Kripke. All photos are property of the CW network.All photos are property of the CW network.This is a fan blog. Screencaps courtesy of Supernatural wiki.