Kamis, 19 Mei 2011

Which Two Will Be “Right There” in the Finale?

Tonight the show will make it official that this year’s finale will consist of teens Lauren and Scotty. No surprises to be had here folks, nothing really to see, so move along.

Last night – Scotty was amazed and believed he would get a kiss. Lauren took a wild one on a dance to die young. Haley and Rhiannon oughta know what should never be.

Jimmy Iovine gives his take on the performances of the final three. He says that there will be a guy in the finale. More news from the file marked duh.

The rest of the top 13 are in the audience tonight. Some of these I barely remember … was Tyra Banks one of them? Oh, it’s that Ashthon gal.

Ryan says that 95 million votes were cast, more than any other at this stage. It makes sense because of online voting. Thank you internet and AT&T.

When we had a top four, they visited J.J. Abrams to see a clip of his new movie Super 8. While it’s obvious to a fan girl like me how awesome this guy is (Lost! Alias! The new Star Trek reboot!), the contestants don’t seem to connect the dots. Oh what sheltered lives they lead. J.J. is kinda off-kilter as well. This American Idol thing, that’s a show? Okay. Here are some cameras for you. Off they go.

The littlest Fanning sister is in the audience with Ryan. She is in the Super 8 movie and is also there to gush over Scotty. On behalf of her six-year-old cousin, natch.

The first hometown visit we see is for Haley in Wheeling, near Chicago. It’s raining and she freaks out over the limo. She is thrilled and surprised at the 30,000 fans in attendance. Haley is so funny with Aaron the bodyguard. She reconnects with her family and tries not to cry at various reunions. Footage from her high school visit and park concert show an excited yet laid back Haley giving her all to the fans. It’s cool that she sang with her family. I’d like to see the entire concert; hopefully it’s on YouTube somewhere.

The core voting base – tiny little girls – help Ryan with the intro of the Ford music video. The two gals and a boy frolic on the beach and take videos which they then upload using the Ford Focus technology.  Supposedly, the Idols are the ones singing in all of these videos, but in this version of “Smile,” I dunno. That does not sound like Scotty on the verse AT ALL. If that is him, he has been holding back his pop persona this whole time.  

My Kid Tru and I can’t sit through this next segment. We can’t even. It’s a trio of Italian boys who are singing opera. Gah. I have some laundry to fold. At least these kids can sing; their voices are fabulous. This just isn’t our thang.

The next hometown visit we see is the one that was right down the road from us. Scotty’s visit to Garner is chock full of people that we know, especially Tru. Thankfully I can pause the DVR so that she can name all of them. After watching this, if folks aren’t convinced that Scotty is a sweet kid, then they just have no soul. Scotty is crying as well as little girls and their grandmas. So are Tru and me. We especially lose it when country star Josh Turner shows up to surprise Scotty on stage. “Baby lock them doors” will go in the dictionary this year as the definition for quirky awesomeness.

Our other musical guest star performers are that Nicole gal from the Pussycat Dolls. She’s everywhere these days – she won the Dancing with the D-List show a couple years ago (to which Tru says RIGGED!) She is also going to be a co-host on Simon’s X Factor show this fall. Last week we saw her in Steven Tyler’s music video. Tonight she is here to perform “Right There” with 50 Cent and 14 thousand backup dancers.  Like the opera guys before, this is not music that I am interested in listening to at all. Seems like they could have brought in Melinda Doolittle or Mandisa. What’s David Archuleta doing? I’d settle for freaking Sanjaya over this mess.

The last hometown visit is to Georgia with Lauren Alaina. The peppy teen is funny in the limo with the police escort. She shows compassion during the tour of the devastation from the tornados. (Tornados hit our area too, but that was ignored on the NC visit.) Tru and I are totally loving THIS Lauren - the typical teenager who is living her dream. When she visits the little boy who saved his family during the storm, it’s a sweet teary moment. Hopefully she will cherish this day regardless of the outcome of the show. And we finally see cousin Holly again!

It is time for some results… all three are gathered as in prayer. Ryan is just going to make them wait and wait and wait… FINALLY the first person in the finale is Scotty. No surprise.

Next Lauren learns that she will be joining Scotty next week in the Nokia Theater.  The expression on Haley’s face says DISAPPOINTMENT very clearly, but she bounces back though like a pro. The girl has always worn her heart on her sleeve. Naysayers and Haley haters (JENNIFER) will be laughing at her this week – last night the fall and tonight that face…. oh well. When Haley outsells all of them she will get the last laugh.  

Back in the early rounds, who knew that perpetual bottom 3-er Haley Reinhart would land in the final three? As a fan of hers, I am proud of the progress that she has made.  Her farewell montage clearly shows her journey, which has been a good one.

Haley, in her crazy headband and flowing belly shirt, gives the sing out of her life. She shines on the Elton John song she did earlier this year. She looks like a superstar, she sings great, she improvises the lyrics to fit the moment. She works the audience to include the other ten ousted contestants, then gives a hug and kiss to mom and dad. Voters, man - “they’re weird and they’re wonderful” indeed.

Scotty: J.J.'s in it to win it!  James: J.J. just might win the whole thing!
Haley: You guys are nuts. I love it.
Ryan: Dude’s big!
Lauren: Oh no it wasn’t me, I swear!

So next week, as predicted – two country teenagers. Joy. (That was my sarcastic voice.) Seriously, I like both of these kids and wish them nothing but the best. For now, I am going to burn myself a CD of Haley songs. It’s like “soul food” for the ears.